Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Interior view of the Cathedral in Mazatland

The view from our balcony in Mazatland

Well we are in Mazatlan. Three hard days of riding and we made it last night after dark. Yes I know the golden rule is no riding after dark in Mexico but we were in a bit of a tight spot so we sucked it up and road about 2 hours on the Autopista to Mazatland. We road something like 14 hours and 900+ klms in a day. In Mexico. On 25 year old bikes. Yes we are ´èl stupido´´

The actual riding on the highway was fine, the road puts American interstates to shame, other than we were very low on fuel. Acutally we were on researve and looking for a Pemex for the last 50 klms or so. But we made it. Then we had to deal with night time Mazatland trafic. The only way to discribe it is some thing like a wild video game where there are no traffic lines, cars buses and motorcycles jockey for position and tail gaiting is an art form. But we made. Did I mention that we made it ;)

The ride down was basically a blast through the Sonora desert area through all the agricultural areas. It was flat and beutifull. People wave and smile when they see you and will come up and ask what we are doing and where we are going.

OK, so road stories in no particular order:
· Steve found out you cannot put Deisel in a KLR
· Mexican restaurants that have english on the menu serve crap food
· Check expiration dates on Ding Dongs when you by them in the Oxxo (7-11)
· Road side food vendors who have patrons sitting in them searve great food
· Toll highways are fast but boring and expensive - $43 in tolls so far
· I was first to drop a bike - actually I did in the first 5 minutes – see ´èl stupido´above

I will try to upload some photos later as I am having trouble at this computer - photos added when I got home and I still cant get them to align properly.

Now I could spend time on this computer or I can head out and see Mazatland so guess what I am going to do

From the road…………….


BTW: if you think my writing, grammar and spelling suck normally try doing this on a Spanish keyboard :)

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