Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Miramichi Part Two!!

Miramichi Part Two!!

Well mother nature doesn’t give a $^&*)&^$# what your vacation plans are and how long you have been planning them! Yes the rain caught up with us. Fishing plans that were in place with the guide and hotel etc came crashing to an end when the hotel clerk told us at check in that the fishing had been cancelled. Apparently the river had risen 3ft in the last two days and was now murky and unsafe. Nice!!  Not!!  Well plan B- one night in hotel, awesome dinner at the local Irish pub, TV (still nothing on) then continue on our journey east. Ryanne thought that the reception staff at the hotel was great! She could come into the hotel and get a Scooby snack anytime along with much attention. Yet at bedtime she wanted back into the motor home!!

Rattletrap had been asking for an oil change so off to Moncton to find a garage for her! She had the attention of three nice lads all younger than she is for just under an hour, fascinated that we had made it this far!!

The plan had been to stay at the Moncton casino, but we couldn’t find it easily so Kevan kept driving and lo and behold we were on the Confederation Bridge!! Welcome to the next province of PEI!!

Karen, Kevan, Ryanne

Further down the road!!

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