Friday, October 11, 2013

Heading West

Heading West towards the Motherland!

Well it appears that we are heading homeward now as we have stayed in the same place twice. The lovely KOA in Sturgeon Falls. The owner remembered little Rattletrap and us when we were registering and wanted to hear of our adventures. It took half and hour at least before we set up camp (to busy talking).

Beautiful evening as we ate dinner outside in the sun (21C) and watched the sunset from the dock on the river.

While enjoying our drive west we had to stop and take the picture of the largest nickel in Sudbury of course, and ended up touring the museum. Another underground tour. This time of a copper and nickel mine.

Alas more road construction, which will end, I believe when we are home in our driveway. I will have bright orange sign flashbacks!! Friday of a long weekend with good weather bodes for lots of traffic towards cottage country so we are trying to make tracks this afternoon. Unfortunately we are a little tired today so when the next KOA sign arose from the side of the road out came the KOA bible (info book of all KOA’s in the land) and yes they are open until the 15th!! So exit highway and into 74 acres of KOA-land. Which includes all human amenities (including Wifi) but caters to our four-legged pets. They have their own agility park (balls included), wash station, grooming station, private off leash park (KAMP K-9), and dog-walking services!!!! OMG!!!!

Karen, Kevan and Ryanne

PS- She got the complimentary biscuit upon check-in again!!

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