Thursday, August 22, 2013

Barkerville and Sheridan Lake

Gold Mines and Great Theatre!!

Yes we made it to Barkerville! A full day of activities including a wonderful live theatre shows in the evening. Light show was included later that night with torrential thunderstorms!! Rattletrap didn’t appreciate the 9% grades on the hills though!

Stayed in Sheridan Lake for a night to visit Kevan’s family (uncles, aunts and cousins) a family reunion of sorts!! No fishing due to the 40-50km/hr winds and 2-3 foot waves alas Margaritas were had instead!!

Onward ho to Nakusp with a short stop for new muffler piece in Vernon and overnight stay in Lumby.

Photos to date:

Til next entry

Karen, Kevan, and Ryanne
Still on the road!!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

So either Alberta was really boring or you've decided to stay in Nakusp and grow organic vegetables and wear socks and sandals. Dude, how is Rattletrap?