Highlights were:
- Acting as MC for 210 of my best motorcycling friends. Apparently they did not realize how nervous I was standing up there talking to them.
- Doing a tire repair course with Grant Johnson, founder of Horizons Unlimited and one of my motorcycling heroes.
- Riding some of the best roads in BC, possibly Canada !
- Watching Tom Mamic’s presentation on Africa. I gotta go and see it for myself.
- Presenting my Road Side Repair seminar to a huge crowd who seemed to really enjoy it.
If you are a
motorcycle traveler and have not gone to a Horizons Unlimited event I encourage
you to go. If you have not traveled to the Kootenay area of British Colombia,
go, go now. Put the computer away and head off to Nelson, Kaslo, Nuskusp area.
You will not regret it.